Monday, 7 April 2014

 Aedict3 Japanese Dictionary v3.4.8

An off-line english japanese dictionary which uses Jim Breen's JMDict (upgraded EDict)/KanjiDic2/WWWJDIC data along with data from the Tatoeba project. Does not require japanese keyboard. Internet access is used only to download the dictionary – the application itself works offline.

- allows kanji searching by parts/radicals, SKIP code search and by kanji drawing
- omnibar allows search by kana, romaji and/or english, german, french, Russian, Dutch, Portugalese, Spanish, Hungarian, Slovene, Swedish. Deinflects verbs automatically.
- optionally shows romaji instead of hiragana/katakana.
- supports Hepburn, Nihon-Shiki and Kunrei-Shiki
- JLPT/Joyo Quizes
- You can store entries in a notepad and practice with notepad quiz.
- Shows stroke order kanji diagrams (courtesy of KanjiVG), allows JNLP/Joyo Quiz kanji draw practice
- Samsung multi-window support, Japanese Names Dictionary support, shows verb conjugations
- Dropbox integration
- Japanese font for proper character display

UPDATE NOTE: When updating Aedict, please also update all dictionaries, to gain access to the new features.

Aedict 3 needs to download the dictionaries which is cca 200mb download – please make sure that you are connected to the WIFI to avoid additional charges. Aedict 3 cannot use dictionaries used by Aedict 2.

Aedict 3 is based on Aedict 2.9 but introduces new Android 4 GUI. Aedict 3 works on Android 2.1 and greater.

Keywords: english french german dutch japanese dictionary kanji hiragana katakana learning tool offline Jim Breen JMDict Edict enamdic JMNEDict kanjipad jnlp joyo sod stroke order

What's New in Aedict3 Japanese Dictionary v3.4.8
Added support for deleting old backups.
Fixed SDCard detection algorithm which caused Aedict to fail to download the dictionaries.
Fixed crash when rotating screen on some phones.

More Info in Google Play
Down File from Google Drive
Down File from


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